8 Influential Women Designers You Need To Know

Team Insights Blog On Influential Women Of Design

In honor of International Women’s Day (March 8), we thought of rounding up at least 8 female designers and illustrators who are making an impact in the world of design today. In the industry of arts and design, it is imperative to celebrate and practice inclusion and diversity. Equally important to the stability and necessity of graphic design in business, it is best to shed some light to those who are making remarkable contributions; hence, making them truly influential.


Carolyn Davidson

First in our list is Carolyn Davidson. Who won’t recall the iconic Nike swoosh logo of 1971? It was created by Carolyn who became one of the most recognizable designers of her time. Up to this day, it has remained as a huge part of Nike’s branding.

As a female graphic designer, this has influenced a lot of women from her time and beyond.


Mercedes Bazan

Mercedes was a remarkable master of her own right and influence in print design and layout. She paved the way in making use of her intrinsic capability in the visceral flow of typography with ample amount of prominence and natural attention to details.


Jane Davis Doggett

Jane established her artistic identity in leading travelers not to lose their ways. She was a graphic artist and designer of way-findings and graphic systems in airports. Her work was first used as a standardized font in Memphis airport, 1959.

It became a trademarked ‘Alphabet A’ font that was used in many airport systems due to its readability from far distances.


Helene Baum-Owoyele

Hélène finds her joy in her youthful, colorful designs that gave much vibrance in many children’s books, editorials and among her renowned clients like Tate and The New York Times.

Her vector artworks and watercolor designs were surely left unnoticed.


Jessica Walsh

At the age of 11, Jessica already knew how to nurture her gift in graphic design. Up to the present time, her works are consistently provocative, bold and unapologetic. This made her works to the likes of Adobe and Levi’s.

Jessica mainly focused on branding, typography, website design and installations, to name a few.


Gail Anderson

Gail once worked as an Art Director of the Rolling Stone magazine. Some of her previous artworks also made it to famous broadway shows and institutional theaters.

Gail’s works are captivating, vibrant and colorful – that made her lectures and projects influence many around the globe.


Sarah Boris

Sarah’s designs are always on point when it comes to clarity and boldness. She knows how to get those eyeballs caught with long-stay attention. Her works were published in countless books and magazines.

Sarah specializes in editorial and brand identity.


Irma Boom

Irma specializes in bookmarking. With over 300 book covers, her works experiment a non-conventional approach to traditional ways of book design both on print and digital.

Irma puts her work standout on every bookshelf and certainly achieved outstanding recognition in book arts.

Carolyn, Mercedes, Jane, Helene, Jessica, Gail, Sarah and Irma– names of women who made their unique impact in the endless ecosystem of arts and design. More than names at their own rights, their careers built over the years or imprinted in the history of the past, the present and the future, these influential women designers are characters that we will always know, learn from and must not be forgotten.

We hope that you’ve learned a few lessons from this blog. Stay tuned for more industry-related and value-adding content on our blog and our social media pages. ‘Till next time!

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About The Author

Picture of Freddie Lacorte

Freddie Lacorte

He's the Brand Architect "slash" Digital Trailblazer of the Team. Freddie brings forth his expertise in Marketing, getting the word out there about us. Whether it's establishing one's identity in branding, or tapping onto the latest digital trends, he got those covered. On the side, he's a frustrated singer who plays acoustic guitar.

View Freddie’s LinkedIn Profile here.